Tour of Duty
This "Tour of Duty Report" is a synopsis of a critical waypoint in the PCG's relentless pursuit of the Coast Guard mission. When I was appointed Commandant in mid-2008, the proposition that the Coast Guard organization must undergo essential reforms to face the emerging challenges of the times and embrace the evolving needs of a modernizing maritime sector and effects of climate change began to gain ground among members of Congress and the maritime stakeholders. Not long after, the Republic Act 9993, otherwise known as the Coast Guard Law of 2009, was enacted. It expanded the authority of PCG SO significantly that it seemed unavoidable for the maritime clientele to raise their expectations of Coast Guard services and tasks that need to be accomplished to an unprecedented level. The pages contained in this report tell the story of hard-working men and women striving to meet those expectations. May this account of their efforts also serve to demonstrate the gratitude of Coastguardsmen for the attention given by President Benigno S. Aquino III to the welfare of the Organization. I therefore take this opportunity to thank His Excellency for setting aside close to P3 billion in the 2011 budget to benefit the Coast Guard mission and the maritime industry as a whole. Seeing that RA 9993 is not a mere grant of authority for the PCG, but an unambiguous declaration by Congress that something ought to be done to address the ensuing maritime challenges, with deliberate haste, the PCG sets out its strategic voyage plan to implement organizational reforms and developmental projects. Even as I end my term as Commandant, there is no slowing down in the effort to modernize PCG assets and improve personnel competence with the end in view of enhancing operational effectiveness and the quality of Coast Guard services. We are firmly aware that whatever achievement is gained by our present efforts will become an inspiration and momentum which the next generation of Coastguardsmen will endeavor to continue. And so, upon making this record of PCG achievements under my watch, it is my sincerest hoped my successors and colleagues will look to the next big task and system has been written in this report and continue to go beyond expectations.
Admiral, PCG
22nd Commandant