Today the regular district meeting took place at the HQCGDCV conference room at pier 3, Cebu City. The meeting was well attended by the District Leadership and some District staff, Squadron Directors and some of their officers, and by one District Board member. Various topics were discussed such as monthly reports, membership rosters and dues, membership compliance (NBI clearance and drug test beside others), issuance of Squadron IDs, Squadron organizational structure (minimum requirements), minimum time-in-grade for promotions and the latest directive of the PCG Commandant, Orientations/Indoctrination’s, CGADCV Anniversary, 2012 manual and its proposed amendments, and other matters.
Also clarified was the following: To make coordinations, projects planning, projects implementations, emergency situations, the conduct of orientations/indoctrination’s and inductions pertaining to administrative and operational matters easier, the CGADCV Director COMMO RALPH YAP PCGA announced that CAPT TED SEGURA PCGA takes on these responsibilities for Cebu Island and CAPT HOLGER HORN PCGA for Bohol Island.